Hey there WordPress enthusiasts! Are you someone who loves to share their knowledge and experience with others? Do you have a ton of experience with WordPress and want to help other users improve their websites, grow their businesses, or enhance their online presence? If yes, then WordCamp Iloilo is calling out to you!
We’re on the lookout for engaging, informative, and dynamic speakers for our upcoming event, which is taking place on July 08, 2023. WordCamp Iloilo is a one-day conference for WordPress users, developers, and designers, and we want presentations that will educate and inspire our attendees.
No matter if you’re a seasoned WordPress professional or just starting out, we’d love to hear from you! Our interest lies in a wide range of topics, including website design and development, WordPress customization and optimization, content creation and marketing, SEO and analytics, eCommerce and online sales, social media, and community building.
So, if you’ve got an amazing idea for a talk or panel discussion, submit a proposal using our online form. We want sessions that are informative, engaging, and relevant to our audience, so make sure to include a clear outline of your presentation and any supporting materials or resources.
As a WordCamp Iloilo speaker, you’ll have the opportunity to share your expertise with a passionate and engaged community of WordPress users, connect with other professionals in your field, and build your personal brand and reputation as a thought leader in the WordPress community.
Call for Speakers is already closed.
Read more about it here: https://iloilo.wordcamp.org/2023/wciloilo2023-call-for-speakers-is-now-closed/