I work as the Co-Founder of Genius Soft Pvt Ltd and Auth0 Ambassador. I like contributing to the community.
I currently act as Co-Organizer of Colombo JS Meetup and Organizer of Sri Lanka Unity Developers User Group. I lead two teams of my startup who are working on Full stack development and WordPress services.
I started using WordPress in 2008 and created my first live Sinhala WordPress blog in 2009 (Domain is now expired so that site is no longer exists.). After some time I founded a start-up with my schoolmates which had WordPress Web Site Development as one of its services. I have done more than 20 WordPress websites for local and international clients. I learned hard way the Art of hardening the WordPress. Earlier stage I had several security-related problems and I managed to overcome them by learning. I have experienced and handled massive DDOS attacks.